051 Vultures on the prowl. Baba's everywhere, in India!

After the death of Sathya Sai Baba, kALESwar bAbA, I thought that the people of Anantapur District, the people of Andhra Pradesh, the people of India, and the Euro and Dollar world would have some respite.TV9 Channel had reported sometime back that bAlaSAi bAba of kurnool had lost the craze people had for him. I believe, it is the same TV9 which has reported a few months back, that aghOri bAbA was building a large premises for his activities of 'tantra' and 'mantra' and that some VIPs were patronising him.

I heard that some 200 white Nationals have started falling at his feat.

Death of Sathya Sai Baba seems to have left a vacuum in Anantapur District, which the winds from all the four sides are trying to fill and make a fast buck from it.

I wanted to write something about aghori, but I could not take it up because I was busy searching for rAvaNa's lanka in jhArkhand, West Orissa, and the sAtnA District of madhya pradEsh. If you are interested in rAvaNA's lanka (not SrI lanka), you can have a look at my blog ramayanayb.blogspot.com.

Apart from the report made by TV9 on aghOri bAbA of puttaparti / gorantla, anantapur District, there are no additions.

But the internet is full of advertisements made by persons claiming as 'aghOri bAbA' tantriks specialising in black magic to solve every problem of humans on this Earth, of course for a fee. aghOris all over India claim that they practice all the rituals required as per the aghOri tradition, such as 'sitting on corpses', eating from skulls, eating human flesh, etc. These claims, they cannot avoid because, people will not believe them to possess the required powers to fulfil desires or solve the problems, unless they practice every ritual on corpses in graveyards.

Every State and every district in India seems to have dozens of aghOri bAbAs.

As our aghOri bAba of gOranTla / puTTaparti seems to enjoy political and bureaucratic patronage, he may not have any need to advertise on the internet, giving his phone No. etc.


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