Is it necessary to create a new District or rename a District by "Sathya Sai District"?

Question : We come across a clamour for renaming the 'Ananthapur District' in Andhra Pradesh (the District in which Puttaparti Prashanti Nilayam is situated) as 'Sathya Sai District'. Can we support this idea?
Answer : Map courtesy Government of Andhra Pradesh:
This answer can have two facets:
favourable : The State of Andhra Pradesh (in which Puttaparti is situated) has a rampant custom of installing statues and renaming districts to commemorate persons. Some of these were great deserving persons like Tanguturu Prakasam and Amarajivi Potti Sriramulu. Some others were just politicians like Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy. If Rajasekhara Reddy can have his name for his Kadapa District, what wrong will be there if Anantapur is named as Sathya Sai District? Two wrongs may not become one right. The renaming, yet , may pacify some grieving devotees of Baba.
negative : Why, open the pandora box? We have to accommodate proliferating demands for renaming districts and within a short short-time, all the 23 districts of A.P. will have new names. The pitfalls of having new names is: foreign tourists, international agencies, travel agents etc. may get confused about names. Dumping nameplates and signboards, official stationery and rubber stamps will lead to avoidable expenditure. These chores take away the precious time of the district administration which is to concentrate on droughts and famines, floods, illegal mining, extremism, housing, poverty alleviation, control of black marketing etc.
Hero worship will have to stop at some point or another.