
052 Replies to comments of Shri P Rao, Part 2

Shri P. Rao has left a new comment on the post "We need a dozen Sherlock Holmes": Please permit me to say the following. The "Sai Baba" concept is of muslim origin in the sufi saint category. Whatever the religious and spiritual implications of Sri Satya Sai Baba (SSSB), he did achieve the glory of a Moghal king that ruled India and lived the life of a Paadusha (Badshah). Imagine stashing 11 crores of loose cash in the office room, along with 100 kg gold. By some accounts his personal conduct over the years was no less indulgent. In a way he did restore the glory of moghal kings or close to home their once representative Nizam. Placed in a bank the 15 crores of wealth could be earning about one crore rupees in interest per year. This disclosed wealth seems to be only the tip of the iceberg. It is interesting to note that there is very little public outrage at these findings. Could some one address the issue if people really donate this kind of money voluntaril...

051 Vultures on the prowl. Baba's everywhere, in India!

After the death of Sathya Sai Baba, kALESwar bAbA, I thought that the people of Anantapur District, the people of Andhra Pradesh, the people of India, and the Euro and Dollar world would have some respite.TV9 Channel had reported sometime back that bAlaSAi bAba of kurnool had lost the craze people had for him. I believe, it is the same TV9 which has reported a few months back, that aghOri bAbA was building a large premises for his activities of 'tantra' and 'mantra' and that some VIPs were patronising him. I heard that some 200 white Nationals have started falling at his feat. Death of Sathya Sai Baba seems to have left a vacuum in Anantapur District, which the winds from all the four sides are trying to fill and make a fast buck from it. I wanted to write something about aghori, but I could not take it up because I was busy searching for rAvaNa's lanka in jhArkhand, West Orissa, and the sAtnA District of madhya pradEsh. If you are interested in rAvaNA's l...

049 We now need 24 Sherlock Holmes

Readers may please recollect that at my blogpost No. #038 here, I wrote that we need a dozen Sherlock Holmes to investigate into the affairs at Puttaparthi. Now, some snakes have come out of the molehills at penugonDa, the seat of Late kALESwar's dwelling (I cannot call it hermitage, because hermitages are supposed to be in thatched huts and not in mansions and palaces). While the brother's wife of Late kALEshwar said that there were suspicious circumstances in his death, kALEshwar's father said that he didn't find any suspicious circumstances in his son's death. The Officials of the Government of Andhra Pradesh claimed that they were acting as per the instructions of their superiors. We do not know what the instructions of their superiors were. Since top politicians and officials have attended the funeral of Late kALEShwar, we can presume that the Trust Officials of kALEShwar's Ashram might, definitely have approached them for help. ybrao-a-donkey's p...

kALEsvar bAbA's death at penugonDa, Andhra Pradesh

T.V. channels have shown the last remains of kALEsvar bAbA getting ready for funeral. kALESvar Baba who is said to have about 400 foreign disciples died at a private Hospital in Bangalore on the 15th March 2012. He was said to be suffering from kidney and liver troubles. He was running just 39. His life was said to have been insured for Rs. 200 million (appro. $4 million), just one year back. He was said to have undergone medical treatment in United States one year back. There are some similarities between Swami Vivekananda and kAlEShwar baba. Both died at an young age of 39. Both have chequered health histories. Both have gone to United States for medical treatment. kAleswar bAbA was said to have amassed millions of Rupees. kAleswar had his own website His website claims: 5 Pillars of Charity Hunger Relief Medical Assistance Educational Support Social Welfare Infrastructure Development. kAlEswar's brother's wife claimed in a TV interview that his death was ...

Enrichment of Sathya Sai Baba and his Trust at public expense

I have been wondering repeatedly how Sathya Sai Baba was able to accumulate gold, silver, diamonds, precious stones and currency. We know pretty well that foreign contributors were his benefactors. Many Godmen preferred Dollars and Euros because they were several times worth the Rupee in terms of purchasing power. I used to wonder how Baba was able to fool thousands of foreign citizens, who were touted as more intelligent than Asians, Africans, and South Americans. I always felt that deductions from common sense or from the ways of the world or circumstantial evidence, though can lead to discovery of truth, are not adequate to establish and prove it. One more circumstantial evidence, apart from those already known to readers, which has come to light a few days back is about is super-speciality hospitals. He and his Trust made everybody to believe that their hospital was giving free medical treatment to the poor by spending substantial amounts they received as donations from India and ...

Another Treasure Hunt in Yajur Mandir

The expected happened. We need not use astrology or clairvoyance to anticipate this. First lot We shall first recall, that the Trust Board Members in their first hunt disclosed that 98 kgs. of gold was found. Second lot The Deccan Chronicle news paper, our local daily, dated 19th July 2011 reported that 34.8 kg. of gold, 340 kg. of silver, Rupees 1.9 crore (19 million) in cash, were found at the Yajur Mandir of Late Sathya Sai Baba. These treasures -- the Andhra Pradesh Government Officials and the Sathya Sai Trust Members have jointly discovered. My comments as a blogger (layman) Why didn't the Trust members request the Government Officials, to search these rooms also in the first batch search which yielded 98 kilos at that time? Please see my post No. 38 here. Have they thought that there was no alternative but to disclose more gold, silver and cash, after the fiasco of the transportation of Rs. 3.5 million caught by the police, while being transported to Bangalore. Please see...

Replies to comments of Shri P Rao, Part 2

P. Rao has left a new comment on the post "We need a dozen Sherlock Holmes": Please permit me to say the folloiwng. The "Sai Baba" concept is of muslim origin in the sufi saint category. Whatever the religious and spiritual implications of Sri Satya Sai Baba (SSSB), he did achieve the glory of a Moghal king that ruled India and lived the life of a Paadusha (Badshah). Imagine stashing 11 crores of loose cash in the office room, along with 100 kg gold. By some accounts his personal conduct over the years was no less indulgent. In a way he did restore the glory of moghal kings or close to home their once representative Nizam. Placed in a bank the 15 crores of wealth could be earning about one crore rupees in interest per year. This disclosed wealth seems to be only the tip of the iceberg. It is interesting to note that there is very little public outrage at these findings. Could some one address the issue if people really donate this kind of money voluntarily to a Baba...